Category: Powerup Cards

PowerUp Card Reviews: X-Ray

  • by cmuray
  • 7 Years ago
“Force all opponents to expose one hole card.” What it does (for you in hands normally): X-Ray does half as much as you want it to, 100% of the time. The name explains the mechanism, and the outcome is you get to one of see your opponent’s’ hole cards – selected randomly. If you’re playing […]

PowerUp Card Reviews: Upgrade

  • by cmuray
  • 7 Years ago
“Draw a third hole card, then discard one.” What it does (for you in hands normally): This card has come up with basically every PowerUp card entry we’ve done. And for good reason. At least for now – this is one of the lynch pins of the Alpha version of the game. This is because […]

PowerUp Card Reviews: Scanner

  • by cmuray
  • 7 Years ago
“View the top two cards in the deck; choose whether to discard them. What it does (for you in hands normally): Scanner is like Engineer but worse. It’s also like Intel but worse, and yet it costs the average of these two much better cards. The mechanic is simple – you peek at the next […]

PowerUp Card Reviews: EMP

  • by cmuray
  • 11 Years ago
“Prevent powers on this street.” What it does (for you in hands normally): You’ve made a hand and you don’t want your opponents to screw things up for you by changing the board texture, looking ahead in time too much or changing their hole cards. So you use your (overpriced) EMP card and just ruin […]

PowerUp Card Reviews: Disintegrate

  • by cmuray
  • 11 Years ago
“Destroy a targeted board card dealt this street.” What it does (for you in hands normally): Disintegrate is one of the most polarizing cards in the PowerUp arsenal. In that, you’re either using it to destroy your opponents range of made hands while simultaneously enhancing your own holdings’ range – or you’re wasting the card […]

PowerUp Card Reviews: Clone

  • by cmuray
  • 11 Years ago
“Receive a copy of the last power played this hand.” What it does (for you in hands normally): Playing this card the right way, it almost makes more sense to call it the Mulligan rather than the Clone. In hapless hands this can re-create just any power an opponent uses, but that’s a waste of […]

PowerUp Card Reviews: Engineer

  • by cmuray
  • 11 Years ago
“Choose the deck’s next card from three options.” What it does (for you in hands normally): Everyone wants to know if their set is coming in or if their suited connectors are going to turn into a draw on the flop. Forgetting its wide range of synergistic effects with PowerUp cards – this dream is […]

PowerUp Card Reviews: Reload

  • by cmuray
  • 11 Years ago
“Redraw selected hole cards.” What it does (for you in hands normally): Oh Reload. You just couldn’t keep the YOLO out of PowerUp could you, PokerStars? Listen, we could go through all the different ways you could use this card, but to be honest other than sniping cards you actually need (i.e. when you use […]

PowerUp Card Reviews: Intel

  • by cmuray
  • 11 Years ago
“View the deck’s top card for the rest of the hand.” What it does: Probably going to be our shortest entry because there’s not much to say here. Use Intel, and if you want the most bang for your mana-buck, use it the second action is on you pre-flop. You’ll always get to see what […]